Cursos online sugeridos pelo Hanban
- Instruções de como registar Chinese Plus
- Hello, China (Episode 1)
- HSK standard conversation tutorial (Level 1)
- HSK standard conversation tutorial (Level 2)
- HSK standard conversation tutorial (Level 3)
- Chinese - direct HSK (Volume I)
- Chinese - direct HSK (Volume II)
- Text animation of experiencing Chinese: a book for junior middle school students (Volume 1)
- Chinese Paradise
- Cool Panda(Level 1 A)
- Cool Panda(Level 1 B)
- Common sense of Chinese history
- Common sense of Chinese culture
- Digital China
- 5000 years of Chinese characters
- Chinese traditional festivals
- Places of interest in China (Part I)
- Places of interest in China (Part II)
- Idiom story (elementary)
- Wisdom of Chinese characters
- Enter China